Source code for iapws._utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Miscelaneous internal utilities. This module include:

    * :func:`getphase`: Get phase string of state
    * :class:`_fase`: Base class to define a phase state
    * :func:`deriv_H`: Calculate generic partial derivative with a fundamental
      Helmholtz free energy equation of state
    * :func:`deriv_G`: Calculate generic partial derivative with a fundamental
      Gibbs free energy equation of state

from __future__ import division

[docs]def getphase(Tc, Pc, T, P, x, region): """Return fluid phase string name Parameters ---------- Tc : float Critical temperature, [K] Pc : float Critical pressure, [MPa] T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [MPa] x : float Quality, [-] region: int Region number, used only for IAPWS97 region definition Returns ------- phase : str Phase name """ # Avoid round problem P = round(P, 8) T = round(T, 8) if P > Pc and T > Tc: phase = "Supercritical fluid" elif T > Tc: phase = "Gas" elif P > Pc: phase = "Compressible liquid" elif P == Pc and T == Tc: phase = "Critical point" elif region == 4 and x == 1: phase = "Saturated vapor" elif region == 4 and x == 0: phase = "Saturated liquid" elif region == 4: phase = "Two phases" elif x == 1: phase = "Vapour" elif x == 0: phase = "Liquid" return phase
[docs]class _fase(object): """Class to implement a null phase""" v = None rho = None h = None s = None u = None a = None g = None cp = None cv = None cp_cv = None w = None Z = None fi = None f = None mu = None k = None nu = None Prandt = None epsilon = None alfa = None n = None alfap = None betap = None joule = None Gruneisen = None alfav = None kappa = None betas = None gamma = None Kt = None kt = None Ks = None ks = None dpdT_rho = None dpdrho_T = None drhodT_P = None drhodP_T = None dhdT_rho = None dhdT_P = None dhdrho_T = None dhdrho_P = None dhdP_T = None dhdP_rho = None Z_rho = None IntP = None hInput = None
[docs]def deriv_H(state, z, x, y, fase): r"""Calculate generic partial derivative :math:`\left.\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\right|_{y}` from a fundamental helmholtz free energy equation of state Parameters ---------- state : any python object Only need to define P and T properties, non phase specific properties z : str Name of variables in numerator term of derivatives x : str Name of variables in denominator term of derivatives y : str Name of constant variable in partial derivaritive fase : any python object Define phase specific properties (v, cv, alfap, s, betap) Notes ----- x, y and z can be the following values: * P: Pressure * T: Temperature * v: Specific volume * rho: Density * u: Internal Energy * h: Enthalpy * s: Entropy * g: Gibbs free energy * a: Helmholtz free energy Returns ------- deriv : float ∂z/∂x|y References ---------- IAPWS, Revised Advisory Note No. 3: Thermodynamic Derivatives from IAPWS Formulations, """ # We use the relation between rho and v and his partial derivative # ∂v/∂b|c = -1/ρ² ∂ρ/∂b|c # ∂a/∂v|c = -ρ² ∂a/∂ρ|c mul = 1 if z == "rho": mul = -fase.rho**2 z = "v" if x == "rho": mul = -1/fase.rho**2 x = "v" if y == "rho": y = "v" dT = {"P": state.P*1000*fase.alfap, "T": 1, "v": 0, "u":, "h":*1000*fase.v*fase.alfap, "s":, "g": state.P*1000*fase.v*fase.alfap-fase.s, "a": -fase.s} dv = {"P": -state.P*1000*fase.betap, "T": 0, "v": 1, "u": state.P*1000*(state.T*fase.alfap-1), "h": state.P*1000*(state.T*fase.alfap-fase.v*fase.betap), "s": state.P*1000*fase.alfap, "g": -state.P*1000*fase.v*fase.betap, "a": -state.P*1000} deriv = (dv[z]*dT[y]-dT[z]*dv[y])/(dv[x]*dT[y]-dT[x]*dv[y]) return mul*deriv
[docs]def deriv_G(state, z, x, y, fase): r"""Calculate generic partial derivative :math:`\left.\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\right|_{y}` from a fundamental Gibbs free energy equation of state Parameters ---------- state : any python object Only need to define P and T properties, non phase specific properties z : str Name of variables in numerator term of derivatives x : str Name of variables in denominator term of derivatives y : str Name of constant variable in partial derivaritive fase : any python object Define phase specific properties (v, cp, alfav, s, xkappa) Notes ----- x, y and z can be the following values: * P: Pressure * T: Temperature * v: Specific volume * rho: Density * u: Internal Energy * h: Enthalpy * s: Entropy * g: Gibbs free energy * a: Helmholtz free energy Returns ------- deriv : float ∂z/∂x|y References ---------- IAPWS, Revised Advisory Note No. 3: Thermodynamic Derivatives from IAPWS Formulations, """ mul = 1 if z == "rho": mul = -fase.rho**2 z = "v" if x == "rho": mul = -1/fase.rho**2 x = "v" dT = {"P": 0, "T": 1, "v": fase.v*fase.alfav, "u": fase.cp-state.P*1000*fase.v*fase.alfav, "h": fase.cp, "s": fase.cp/state.T, "g": -fase.s, "a": -state.P*1000*fase.v*fase.alfav-fase.s} dP = {"P": 1, "T": 0, "v": -fase.v*fase.xkappa, "u": fase.v*(state.P*1000*fase.xkappa-state.T*fase.alfav), "h": fase.v*(1-state.T*fase.alfav), "s": -fase.v*fase.alfav, "g": fase.v, "a": state.P*1000*fase.v*fase.xkappa} deriv = (dP[z]*dT[y]-dT[z]*dP[y])/(dP[x]*dT[y]-dT[x]*dP[y]) return mul*deriv