# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-boolean-expressions
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
IAPWS standard for Seawater IAPWS08 and related functionality. The module
:class:`SeaWater`: Global module class with all the functionality integrated
Other functionality:
* :func:`_Tb`: Boiling temperature of seawater
* :func:`_Tf`: Freezing temperature of seawater
* :func:`_Triple`: Triple point properties of seawater
* :func:`_OsmoticPressure`: Osmotic pressure of seawater
* :func:`_ThCond_SeaWater`: Thermal conductivity of seawater
* :func:`_Tension_SeaWater`: Surface tension of seawater
* :func:`_solNa2SO4`: Solubility of sodium sulfate in aqueous mixtures of
sodium chloride and sulfuric acid
* :func:`_critNaCl`: Critical locus of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride
from __future__ import division
from math import exp, log
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from .iapws95 import IAPWS95
from .iapws97 import IAPWS97, _Region1, _Region2, _TSat_P
from ._iapws import _ThCond, Tc, Pc, rhoc, _Ice, _Tension
from ._utils import deriv_G
# Constants
Rm = 8.314472
Sn = 0.03516504
S_ = Sn*40/35
Ms = 31.4038218
T_ = 40
P_ = 100
Po = 0.101325
To = 273.15
class SeaWater(object):
Class to model seawater with standard IAPWS-08
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
fast : bool, default False
Use the Supplementary release SR7-09 to speed up the calculation
IF97 : bool, default False
Use the Advisory Note No. 5 with industrial formulation
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
v : float
Specific volume, [m³/kg]
h : float
Specific enthalpy, [kJ/kg]
s : float
Specific entropy, [kJ/kg·K]
u : float
Specific internal energy, [kJ/kg]
g : float
Specific Gibbs free energy, [kJ/kg]
a : float
Specific Helmholtz free energy, [kJ/kg]
cp : float
Specific isobaric heat capacity, [kJ/kg·K]
cv : float
Specific isochoric heat capacity, [kJ/kg·K]
gt : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature, [kJ/kg·K]
gp : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with pressure, [m³/kg]
gtt : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature square, [kJ/kg·K²]
gtp : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with pressure and temperature, [m³/kg·K]
gpp : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with temperature square, [m³/kg·MPa]
gs : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with salinity, [kJ/kg]
gsp : float
Derivative Gibbs energy with salinity and pressure, [m³/kg]
alfav : float
Thermal expansion coefficient, [1/K]
betas : float
Isentropic temperature-pressure coefficient, [K/MPa]
xkappa : float
Isothermal compressibility, [1/MPa]
ks : float
Isentropic compressibility, [1/MPa]
w : float
Sound Speed, [m/s]
k : float
Thermal conductivity, [W/m·K]
sigma: float
Surface tension, [N/m]
m : float
Molality of seawater, [mol/kg]
mu : float
Relative chemical potential, [kJ/kg]
muw : float
Chemical potential of H2O, [kJ/kg]
mus : float
Chemical potential of sea salt, [kJ/kg]
osm : float
Osmotic coefficient, [-]
haline : float
Haline contraction coefficient, [kg/kg]
:class:`Warning` if input isn't in limit:
* 261 ≤ T ≤ 353
* 0 < P ≤ 100
* 0 ≤ S ≤ 0.12
IAPWS, Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Seawater.html
IAPWS, Supplementary Release on a Computationally Efficient Thermodynamic
Formulation for Liquid Water for Oceanographic Use,
IAPWS, Guideline on the Thermal Conductivity of Seawater,
IAPWS, Guideline on the Surface Tension of Seawater,
IAPWS, Revised Advisory Note No. 3: Thermodynamic Derivatives from IAPWS
Formulations, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise3.pdf
IAPWS, Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise5.html
>>> salt = iapws.SeaWater(T=300, P=1, S=0.04)
>>> salt.rho
>>> salt.gs
>>> salt.haline
kwargs = {"T": 0.0,
"P": 0.0,
"S": None,
"fast": False,
"IF97": False}
status = 0
msg = "Undefined"
T = None
P = None
rho = None
v = None
s = None
cp = None
cv = None
h = None
u = None
a = None
alfav = None
betas = None
xkappa = None
ks = None
w = None
k = None
sigma = None
m = None
mu = None
muw = None
mus = None
osm = None
haline = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Constructor, initinialice kwargs"""
self.kwargs = SeaWater.kwargs.copy()
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
"""Make instance callable to can add input parameter one to one"""
if self.kwargs["T"] and self.kwargs["P"] and \
self.kwargs["S"] is not None:
self.status = 1
self.msg = ""
def calculo(self):
"""Calculate procedure"""
T = self.kwargs["T"]
P = self.kwargs["P"]
S = self.kwargs["S"]
self.m = S/(1-S)/Ms
if self.kwargs["fast"] and T <= 313.15:
pw = self._waterSupp(T, P)
elif self.kwargs["IF97"]:
pw = self._waterIF97(T, P)
pw = self._water(T, P)
ps = self.saline(T, P, S)
prop = {}
for key in ps:
prop[key] = pw[key]+ps[key]
self.__setattr__(key, prop[key])
self.T = T
self.P = P
self.rho = 1./prop["gp"]
self.v = prop["gp"]
self.s = -prop["gt"]
self.cp = -T*prop["gtt"]
self.cv = T*(prop["gtp"]**2/prop["gpp"]-prop["gtt"])
self.h = prop["g"]-T*prop["gt"]
self.u = prop["g"]-T*prop["gt"]-P*1000*prop["gp"]
self.a = prop["g"]-P*1000*prop["gp"]
self.alfav = prop["gtp"]/prop["gp"]
self.betas = -prop["gtp"]/prop["gtt"]
self.xkappa = -prop["gpp"]/prop["gp"]
self.ks = (prop["gtp"]**2-prop["gtt"]*prop["gpp"])/prop["gp"] / \
self.w = prop["gp"]*(prop["gtt"]*1000/(
prop["gtp"]**2 - prop["gtt"]*1000*prop["gpp"]*1e-6))**0.5
# Thermal conductivity calculation
if "thcond" in pw:
kw = pw["thcond"]
kw = _ThCond(1/pw["gp"], T)
self.k = _ThCond_SeaWater(T, P, S)+kw
except NotImplementedError:
self.k = None
# Surface tension calculation
self.sigma = _Tension_SeaWater(T, S)
except NotImplementedError:
if S:
self.mu = prop["gs"]
self.muw = prop["g"]-S*prop["gs"]
self.mus = prop["g"]+(1-S)*prop["gs"]
self.osm = -(ps["g"]-S*prop["gs"])/self.m/Rm/T
self.haline = -prop["gsp"]/prop["gp"]
def derivative(self, z, x, y):
Wrapper derivative for custom derived properties
where x, y, z can be: P, T, v, u, h, s, g, a
return deriv_G(self, z, x, y, self)
def _water(cls, T, P):
"""Get properties of pure water, Table4 pag 8"""
water = IAPWS95(P=P, T=T)
prop = {}
prop["g"] = water.h-T*water.s
prop["gt"] = -water.s
prop["gp"] = 1./water.rho
prop["gtt"] = -water.cp/T
prop["gtp"] = water.betas*water.cp/T
prop["gpp"] = -1e6/(water.rho*water.w)**2-water.betas**2*1e3*water.cp/T
prop["gs"] = 0
prop["gsp"] = 0
prop["thcond"] = water.k
return prop
def _waterIF97(cls, T, P):
water = IAPWS97(P=P, T=T)
betas = water.derivative("T", "P", "s", water)
prop = {}
prop["g"] = water.h-T*water.s
prop["gt"] = -water.s
prop["gp"] = 1./water.rho
prop["gtt"] = -water.cp/T
prop["gtp"] = betas*water.cp/T
prop["gpp"] = -1e6/(water.rho*water.w)**2-betas**2*1e3*water.cp/T
prop["gs"] = 0
prop["gsp"] = 0
return prop
def _waterSupp(cls, T, P):
Get properties of pure water using the supplementary release SR7-09,
Table4 pag 6
tau = (T-273.15)/40
pi = (P-0.101325)/100
J = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7]
K = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1]
G = [0.101342743139674e3, 0.100015695367145e6, -0.254457654203630e4,
0.284517778446287e3, -0.333146754253611e2, 0.420263108803084e1,
-0.546428511471039, 0.590578347909402e1, -0.270983805184062e3,
0.776153611613101e3, -0.196512550881220e3, 0.289796526294175e2,
-0.213290083518327e1, -0.123577859330390e5, 0.145503645404680e4,
-0.756558385769359e3, 0.273479662323528e3, -0.555604063817218e2,
0.434420671917197e1, 0.736741204151612e3, -0.672507783145070e3,
0.499360390819152e3, -0.239545330654412e3, 0.488012518593872e2,
-0.166307106208905e1, -0.148185936433658e3, 0.397968445406972e3,
-0.301815380621876e3, 0.152196371733841e3, -0.263748377232802e2,
0.580259125842571e2, -0.194618310617595e3, 0.120520654902025e3,
-0.552723052340152e2, 0.648190668077221e1, -0.189843846514172e2,
0.635113936641785e2, -0.222897317140459e2, 0.817060541818112e1,
0.305081646487967e1, -0.963108119393062e1]
g, gt, gp, gtt, gtp, gpp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
for j, k, gi in zip(J, K, G):
g += gi*tau**j*pi**k
if j >= 1:
gt += gi*j*tau**(j-1)*pi**k
if k >= 1:
gp += k*gi*tau**j*pi**(k-1)
if j >= 2:
gtt += j*(j-1)*gi*tau**(j-2)*pi**k
if j >= 1 and k >= 1:
gtp += j*k*gi*tau**(j-1)*pi**(k-1)
if k >= 2:
gpp += k*(k-1)*gi*tau**j*pi**(k-2)
prop = {}
prop["g"] = g*1e-3
prop["gt"] = gt/40*1e-3
prop["gp"] = gp/100*1e-6
prop["gtt"] = gtt/40**2*1e-3
prop["gtp"] = gtp/40/100*1e-6
prop["gpp"] = gpp/100**2*1e-6
prop["gs"] = 0
prop["gsp"] = 0
return prop
def saline(cls, T, P, S):
"""Eq 4"""
# Check input in range of validity
if T <= 261 or T > 353 or P <= 0 or P > 100 or S < 0 or S > 0.12:
warnings.warn("Incoming out of bound")
X = (S/S_)**0.5
tau = (T-273.15)/40
pi = (P-0.101325)/100
Li = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4,
2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2,
3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
Lj = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
5, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2,
2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2]
Lk = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5]
G = [0.581281456626732e4, 0.141627648484197e4, -0.243214662381794e4,
0.202580115603697e4, -0.109166841042967e4, 0.374601237877840e3,
-0.485891069025409e2, 0.851226734946706e3, 0.168072408311545e3,
-0.493407510141682e3, 0.543835333000098e3, -0.196028306689776e3,
0.367571622995805e2, 0.880031352997204e3, -0.430664675978042e2,
-0.685572509204491e2, -0.225267649263401e3, -0.100227370861875e2,
0.493667694856254e2, 0.914260447751259e2, 0.875600661808945,
-0.171397577419788e2, -0.216603240875311e2, 0.249697009569508e1,
0.213016970847183e1, -0.331049154044839e4, 0.199459603073901e3,
-0.547919133532887e2, 0.360284195611086e2, 0.729116529735046e3,
-0.175292041186547e3, -0.226683558512829e2, -0.860764303783977e3,
0.383058066002476e3, 0.694244814133268e3, -0.460319931801257e3,
-0.297728741987187e3, 0.234565187611355e3, 0.384794152978599e3,
-0.522940909281335e2, -0.408193978912261e1, -0.343956902961561e3,
0.831923927801819e2, 0.337409530269367e3, -0.541917262517112e2,
-0.204889641964903e3, 0.747261411387560e2, -0.965324320107458e2,
0.680444942726459e2, -0.301755111971161e2, 0.124687671116248e3,
-0.294830643494290e2, -0.178314556207638e3, 0.256398487389914e2,
0.113561697840594e3, -0.364872919001588e2, 0.158408172766824e2,
-0.341251932441282e1, -0.316569643860730e2, 0.442040358308000e2,
-0.111282734326413e2, -0.262480156590992e1, 0.704658803315449e1,
g, gt, gp, gtt, gtp, gpp, gs, gsp = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
# Calculate only for some salinity
if S != 0:
for i, j, k, gi in zip(Li, Lj, Lk, G):
if i == 1:
g += gi*X**2*log(X)*tau**j*pi**k
gs += gi*(2*log(X)+1)*tau**j*pi**k
g += gi*X**i*tau**j*pi**k
gs += i*gi*X**(i-2)*tau**j*pi**k
if j >= 1:
if i == 1:
gt += gi*X**2*log(X)*j*tau**(j-1)*pi**k
gt += gi*X**i*j*tau**(j-1)*pi**k
if k >= 1:
gp += k*gi*X**i*tau**j*pi**(k-1)
gsp += i*k*gi*X**(i-2)*tau**j*pi**(k-1)
if j >= 2:
gtt += j*(j-1)*gi*X**i*tau**(j-2)*pi**k
if j >= 1 and k >= 1:
gtp += j*k*gi*X**i*tau**(j-1)*pi**(k-1)
if k >= 2:
gpp += k*(k-1)*gi*X**i*tau**j*pi**(k-2)
prop = {}
prop["g"] = g*1e-3
prop["gt"] = gt/40*1e-3
prop["gp"] = gp/100*1e-6
prop["gtt"] = gtt/40**2*1e-3
prop["gtp"] = gtp/40/100*1e-6
prop["gpp"] = gpp/100**2*1e-6
prop["gs"] = gs/S_/2*1e-3
prop["gsp"] = gsp/S_/2/100*1e-6
return prop
def _Tb(P, S):
"""Procedure to calculate the boiling temperature of seawater
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
Tb : float
Boiling temperature, [K]
IAPWS, Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise5.html, Eq 7
def f(T):
pw = _Region1(T, P)
gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]
pv = _Region2(T, P)
gv = pv["h"]-T*pv["s"]
ps = SeaWater.saline(T, P, S)
return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gv
to = _TSat_P(P)
except NotImplementedError:
to = 300
rinput = fsolve(f, to, full_output=True)
Tb = fsolve(f, to)[0]
if rinput[2] == 1:
return Tb
def _Tf(P, S):
"""Procedure to calculate the freezing temperature of seawater
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
Tf : float
Freezing temperature, [K]
IAPWS, Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise5.html, Eq 12
def f(T):
T = float(T)
pw = _Region1(T, P)
gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]
gih = _Ice(T, P)["g"]
ps = SeaWater.saline(T, P, S)
return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gih
to = _TSat_P(P)
except NotImplementedError:
to = 300
rinput = fsolve(f, to, full_output=True)
Tf = fsolve(f, to)[0]
if rinput[2] == 1:
return Tf
def _Triple(S):
"""Procedure to calculate the triple point pressure and temperature for
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
prop : dict
Dictionary with the triple point properties:
* Tt: Triple point temperature, [K]
* Pt: Triple point pressure, [MPa]
IAPWS, Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise5.html, Eq 7
def f(parr):
T, P = parr
pw = _Region1(T, P)
gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]
pv = _Region2(T, P)
gv = pv["h"]-T*pv["s"]
gih = _Ice(T, P)["g"]
ps = SeaWater.saline(T, P, S)
return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gih, -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gv
Tt, Pt = fsolve(f, [273, 6e-4])
prop = {}
prop["Tt"] = Tt
prop["Pt"] = Pt
return prop
def _OsmoticPressure(T, P, S):
"""Procedure to calculate the osmotic pressure of seawater
T : float
Tmperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
Posm : float
Osmotic pressure, [MPa]
IAPWS, Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
Properties of Seawater, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/Advise5.html, Eq 15
pw = _Region1(T, P)
gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]
def f(Posm):
pw2 = _Region1(T, P+Posm)
gw2 = pw2["h"]-T*pw2["s"]
ps = SeaWater.saline(T, P+Posm, S)
return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gw2
Posm = fsolve(f, 0)[0]
return Posm
def _ThCond_SeaWater(T, P, S):
"""Equation for the thermal conductivity of seawater
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
k : float
Thermal conductivity excess relative to that of the pure water, [W/mK]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit:
* 273.15 ≤ T ≤ 523.15
* 0 ≤ P ≤ 140
* 0 ≤ S ≤ 0.17
>>> _ThCond_Seawater(293.15, 0.1, 0.035)
IAPWS, Guideline on the Thermal Conductivity of Seawater,
# Check input parameters
if T < 273.15 or T > 523.15 or P < 0 or P > 140 or S < 0 or S > 0.17:
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
# Eq 4
a1 = -7.180891e-5+1.831971e-7*P
a2 = 1.048077e-3-4.494722e-6*P
# Eq 5
b1 = 1.463375e-1+9.208586e-4*P
b2 = -3.086908e-3+1.798489e-5*P
a = a1*exp(a2*(T-273.15)) # Eq 2
b = b1*exp(b2*(T-273.15)) # Eq 3
# Eq 1
DL = a*(1000*S)**(1+b)
return DL
def _Tension_SeaWater(T, S):
"""Equation for the surface tension of seawater
T : float
Temperature, [K]
S : float
Salinity, [kg/kg]
σ : float
Surface tension, [N/m]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit:
* 0 ≤ S ≤ 0.131 for 274.15 ≤ T ≤ 365.15
* 0 ≤ S ≤ 0.038 for 248.15 ≤ T ≤ 274.15
>>> _Tension_Seawater(253.15, 0.035)
IAPWS, Guideline on the Surface Tension of Seawater,
# Check input parameters
if 248.15 < T < 274.15:
if S < 0 or S > 0.038:
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
elif 274.15 < T < 365.15:
if S < 0 or S > 0.131:
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
sw = _Tension(T)
sigma = sw*(1+3.766e-1*S+2.347e-3*S*(T-273.15))
return sigma
def _solNa2SO4(T, mH2SO4, mNaCl):
"""Equation for the solubility of sodium sulfate in aqueous mixtures of
sodium chloride and sulfuric acid
T : float
Temperature, [K]
mH2SO4 : float
Molality of sufuric acid, [mol/kg(water)]
mNaCl : float
Molality of sodium chloride, [mol/kg(water)]
S : float
Molal solutility of sodium sulfate, [mol/kg(water)]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit:
* 523.15 ≤ T ≤ 623.15
* 0 ≤ mH2SO4 ≤ 0.75
* 0 ≤ mNaCl ≤ 2.25
>>> _solNa2SO4(523.15, 0.25, 0.75)
IAPWS, Solubility of Sodium Sulfate in Aqueous Mixtures of Sodium Chloride
and Sulfuric Acid from Water to Concentrated Solutions,
# Check input parameters
if T < 523.15 or T > 623.15 or mH2SO4 < 0 or mH2SO4 > 0.75 or \
mNaCl < 0 or mNaCl > 2.25:
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
A00 = -0.8085987*T+81.4613752+0.10537803*T*log(T)
A10 = 3.4636364*T-281.63322-0.46779874*T*log(T)
A20 = -6.0029634*T+480.60108+0.81382854*T*log(T)
A30 = 4.4540258*T-359.36872-0.60306734*T*log(T)
A01 = 0.4909061*T-46.556271-0.064612393*T*log(T)
A02 = -0.002781314*T+1.722695+0.0000013319698*T*log(T)
A03 = -0.014074108*T+0.99020227+0.0019397832*T*log(T)
A11 = -0.87146573*T+71.808756+0.11749585*T*log(T)
S = A00 + A10*mH2SO4 + A20*mH2SO4**2 + A30*mH2SO4**3 + A01*mNaCl + \
A02*mNaCl**2 + A03*mNaCl**3 + A11*mH2SO4*mNaCl
return S
def _critNaCl(x):
"""Equation for the critical locus of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride
x : float
Mole fraction of NaCl, [-]
prop : dict
A dictionary withe the properties:
* Tc: critical temperature, [K]
* Pc: critical pressure, [MPa]
* rhoc: critical density, [kg/m³]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit:
* 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.12
>>> _critNaCl(0.1)
IAPWS, Revised Guideline on the Critical Locus of Aqueous Solutions of
Sodium Chloride, http://www.iapws.org/relguide/critnacl.html
# Check input parameters
if x < 0 or x > 0.12:
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
T1 = Tc*(1 + 2.3e1*x - 3.3e2*x**1.5 - 1.8e3*x**2)
T2 = Tc*(1 + 1.757e1*x - 3.026e2*x**1.5 + 2.838e3*x**2 - 1.349e4*x**2.5
+ 3.278e4*x**3 - 3.674e4*x**3.5 + 1.437e4*x**4)
f1 = (abs(10000*x-10-1)-abs(10000*x-10+1))/4+0.5
f2 = (abs(10000*x-10+1)-abs(10000*x-10-1))/4+0.5
# Eq 1
tc = f1*T1+f2*T2
# Eq 7
rc = rhoc*(1 + 1.7607e2*x - 2.9693e3*x**1.5 + 2.4886e4*x**2
- 1.1377e5*x**2.5 + 2.8847e5*x**3 - 3.8195e5*x**3.5
+ 2.0633e5*x**4)
# Eq 8
DT = tc-Tc
pc = Pc*(1+9.1443e-3*DT+5.1636e-5*DT**2-2.5360e-7*DT**3+3.6494e-10*DT**4)
prop = {}
prop["Tc"] = tc
prop["rhoc"] = rc
prop["Pc"] = pc
return prop