# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
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Module with Air-water mixture properties and related properties. The module
* :func:`_virial`: Virial equations for humid air
* :func:`_fugacity`: Fugacity equation for humid air
* :class:`MEoSBlend`: Special MEoS subclass to implement pseudocomponent
blend with ancillary dew and bubble point
* :class:`Air`: Multiparameter equation of state for Air as pseudocomponent
* :class:`HumidAir`: Humid air mixture with complete functionality
from __future__ import division
from math import exp, log, pi, atan
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from ._iapws import M as MW
from ._iapws import _Ice
from ._utils import deriv_G
from .iapws95 import MEoS, IAPWS95, mainClassDoc
Ma = 28.96546 # g/mol
R = 8.314472 # J/molK
def _virial(T):
"""Virial equations for humid air
T : float
Temperature [K]
prop : dict
Dictionary with critical coefficient:
* Baa: Second virial coefficient of dry air, [m³/mol]
* Baw: Second air-water cross virial coefficient, [m³/mol]
* Bww: Second virial coefficient of water, [m³/mol]
* Caaa: Third virial coefficient of dry air, [m⁶/mol]
* Caaw: Third air-water cross virial coefficient, [m⁶/mol]
* Caww: Third air-water cross virial coefficient, [m⁶/mol]
* Cwww: Third virial coefficient of dry air, [m⁶/mol]
* Bawt: dBaw/dT, [m³/molK]
* Bawtt: d²Baw/dT², [m³/molK²]
* Caawt: dCaaw/dT, [m⁶/molK]
* Caawtt: d²Caaw/dT², [m⁶/molK²]
* Cawwt: dCaww/dT, [m⁶/molK]
* Cawwtt: d²Caww/dT², [m⁶/molK²]
Raise :class:`Warning` if T isn't in range of validity:
* Baa: 60 ≤ T ≤ 2000
* Baw: 130 ≤ T ≤ 2000
* Bww: 130 ≤ T ≤ 1273
* Caaa: 60 ≤ T ≤ 2000
* Caaw: 193 ≤ T ≤ 493
* Caww: 173 ≤ T ≤ 473
* Cwww: 130 ≤ T ≤ 1273
>>> _virial(200)["Baa"]
IAPWS, Guideline on a Virial Equation for the Fugacity of H2O in Humid Air,
IAPWS, Guideline on an Equation of State for Humid Air in Contact with
Seawater and Ice, Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the
Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater, Table 10,
# Check input parameters
if T < 60 or T > 2000:
warnings.warn("Baa out of validity range")
if T < 130 or T > 2000:
warnings.warn("Baw out of validity range")
if T < 130 or T > 1273:
warnings.warn("Bww out of validity range")
if T < 60 or T > 2000:
warnings.warn("Caaa out of validity range")
if T < 193 or T > 493:
warnings.warn("Caaw out of validity range")
if T < 173 or T > 473:
warnings.warn("Caww out of validity range")
if T < 130 or T > 1273:
warnings.warn("Cwww out of validity range")
T_ = T/100
# Virial coefficient for water
# The paper use the specific formulation of virial, here using the general
# formulation from helmholtz mEoS
wt = IAPWS95()
vir = wt._virial(T)
Bww = vir["B"]/wt.rhoc*wt.M
Cwww = vir["C"]/wt.rhoc**2*wt.M**2
# Table 3
ai = [0.482737e-3, 0.105678e-2, -0.656394e-2, 0.294442e-1, -0.319317e-1]
bi = [-10.728876, 34.7802, -38.3383, 33.406]
ci = [66.5687, -238.834, -176.755]
di = [-0.237, -1.048, -3.183]
Baw = 1e-6*sum(c*T_**d for c, d in zip(ci, di)) # Eq 7
Caaw = 1e-6*sum(a/T_**i for i, a in enumerate(ai)) # Eq 8
Caww = -1e-6*exp(sum(b/T_**i for i, b in enumerate(bi))) # Eq 9
# Eq T56
Bawt = 1e-6*T_/T*sum(c*d*T_**(d-1) for c, d in zip(ci, di))
# Eq T57
Bawtt = 1e-6*T_**2/T**2*sum(
c*d*(d-1)*T_**(d-2) for c, d in zip(ci, di))
# Eq T59
Caawt = -1e-6*T_/T*sum(i*a*T_**(-i-1) for i, a in enumerate(ai))
# Eq T60
Caawtt = 1e-6*T_**2/T**2*sum(
i*(i+1)*a*T_**(-i-2) for i, a in enumerate(ai))
# Eq T62
Cawwt = 1e-6*T_/T*sum(i*b*T_**(-i-1) for i, b in enumerate(bi)) * \
exp(sum(b/T_**i for i, b in enumerate(bi)))
# Eq T63
Cawwtt = -1e-6*T_**2/T**2*((
sum(i*(i+1)*b*T_**(-i-2) for i, b in enumerate(bi))
+ sum(i*b*T_**(-i-1) for i, b in enumerate(bi))**2)
* exp(sum(b/T_**i for i, b in enumerate(bi))))
# Virial coefficient for air, using too the general virial procedure
air = Air()
vir = air._virial(T)
Baa = vir["B"]/air.rhoc*air.M
Caaa = vir["C"]/air.rhoc**2*air.M**2
prop = {}
prop["Baa"] = Baa/1000
prop["Baw"] = Baw
prop["Bww"] = Bww/1000
prop["Caaa"] = Caaa/1e6
prop["Caaw"] = Caaw
prop["Caww"] = Caww
prop["Cwww"] = Cwww/1e6
prop["Bawt"] = Bawt
prop["Bawtt"] = Bawtt
prop["Caawt"] = Caawt
prop["Caawtt"] = Caawtt
prop["Cawwt"] = Cawwt
prop["Cawwtt"] = Cawwtt
return prop
def _fugacity(T, P, x):
"""Fugacity equation for humid air
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
x : float
Mole fraction of water-vapor, [-]
fv : float
fugacity coefficient, [MPa]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in range of validity:
* 193 ≤ T ≤ 473
* 0 ≤ P ≤ 5
* 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
Really the xmax is the xsaturation but isn't implemented
>>> _fugacity(300, 1, 0.1)
IAPWS, Guideline on a Virial Equation for the Fugacity of H2O in Humid Air,
# Check input parameters
if T < 193 or T > 473 or P < 0 or P > 5 or x < 0 or x > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Input not in range of validity")
Rg = 8.314462 # J/molK
# Virial coefficients
vir = _virial(T)
# Eq 3
beta = x*(2-x)*vir["Bww"]+(1-x)**2*(2*vir["Baw"]-vir["Baa"])
# Eq 4
gamma = x**2*(3-2*x)*vir["Cwww"] + \
(1-x)**2*(6*x*vir["Caww"]+3*(1-2*x)*vir["Caaw"]-2*(1-x)*vir["Caaa"]) +\
(x**2*vir["Bww"]+2*x*(1-x)*vir["Baw"]+(1-x)**2*vir["Baa"]) * \
# Eq 2
fv = x*P*exp(beta*P*1e6/Rg/T+0.5*gamma*(P*1e6/Rg/T)**2)
return fv
class MEoSBlend(MEoS):
Special meos class to implement pseudocomponent blend and defining its
ancillary dew and bubble point
_blend = {}
def _dewP(cls, T):
"""Using ancillary equation return the pressure of dew point"""
c = cls._blend["dew"]
Tj = cls._blend["Tj"]
Pj = cls._blend["Pj"]
Tita = 1-T/Tj
suma = 0
for i, n in zip(c["i"], c["n"]):
suma += n*Tita**(i/2.)
P = Pj*exp(Tj/T*suma)
return P
def _bubbleP(cls, T):
"""Using ancillary equation return the pressure of bubble point"""
c = cls._blend["bubble"]
Tj = cls._blend["Tj"]
Pj = cls._blend["Pj"]
Tita = 1-T/Tj
suma = 0
for i, n in zip(c["i"], c["n"]):
suma += n*Tita**(i/2.)
P = Pj*exp(Tj/T*suma)
return P
class Air(MEoSBlend):
"""Multiparameter equation of state for Air as pseudocomponent
for internal procedures, see MEoS base class
Lemmon, E.W., Jacobsen, R.T, Penoncello, S.G., Friend, D.G.; Thermodynamic
Properties of Air and Mixtures of Nitrogen, Argon, and Oxygen From 60 to
2000 K at Pressures to 2000 MPa. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 29, 331 (2000).
name = "air"
CASNumber = "1"
formula = "N2+Ar+O2"
synonym = "R-729"
rhoc = 10.4477*Ma
Tc = 132.6306
Pc = 3.7860 # MPa
M = Ma
Tt = 59.75
Tb = 78.903
f_acent = 0.0335
momentoDipolar = 0.0
Fi0 = {"ao_log": [1, 2.490888032],
"pow": [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 1.5],
"ao_pow": [0.6057194e-7, -0.210274769e-4, -0.158860716e-3,
9.7450251743948, 10.0986147428912, -0.19536342e-3],
"ao_exp": [0.791309509, 0.212236768],
"titao": [25.36365, 16.90741],
"ao_exp2": [-0.197938904],
"titao2": [87.31279],
"sum2": [2./3],
_constants = {
"R": 8.31451,
"Tref": 132.6312, "rhoref": 10.4477*Ma,
"nr1": [0.118160747229, 0.713116392079, -0.161824192067e1,
0.714140178971e-1, -0.865421396646e-1, 0.134211176704,
0.112626704218e-1, -0.420533228842e-1, 0.349008431982e-1,
"d1": [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6],
"t1": [0, 0.33, 1.01, 0, 0, 0.15, 0, 0.2, 0.35, 1.35],
"nr2": [-0.101365037912, -0.173813690970, -0.472103183731e-1,
-0.122523554253e-1, -0.146629609713, -0.316055879821e-1,
0.233594806142e-3, 0.148287891978e-1, -0.938782884667e-2],
"d2": [1, 3, 5, 6, 1, 3, 11, 1, 3],
"t2": [1.6, 0.8, 0.95, 1.25, 3.6, 6, 3.25, 3.5, 15],
"c2": [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3],
"gamma2": [1]*9}
_blend = {
"Tj": 132.6312, "Pj": 3.78502,
"dew": {"i": [1, 2, 5, 8],
"n": [-0.1567266, -5.539635, 0.7567212, -3.514322]},
"bubble": {"i": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
"n": [0.2260724, -7.080499, 5.700283, -12.44017, 17.81926,
_melting = {"eq": 1, "Tref": Tb, "Pref": 5.265,
"Tmin": 59.75, "Tmax": 2000.0,
"a1": [1, 0.354935e5, -0.354935e5],
"exp1": [0, 0.178963e1, 0],
"a2": [], "exp2": [], "a3": [], "exp3": []}
_surf = {"sigma": [0.03046], "exp": [1.28]}
_rhoG = {
"eq": 3,
"ao": [-0.20466e1, -0.4752e1, -0.13259e2, -0.47652e2],
"exp": [0.41, 1, 2.8, 6.5]}
_Pv = {
"ao": [-0.1567266, -0.5539635e1, 0.7567212, -0.3514322e1],
"exp": [0.5, 1, 2.5, 4]}
def _Liquid_Density(cls, T):
"""Auxiliary equation for the density or saturated liquid
T : float
Temperature [K]
rho : float
Saturated liquid density [kg/m³]
Tc = 132.6312
rhoc = 10.4477*cls.M
Ni = [44.3413, -240.073, 285.139, -88.3366]
ti = [0.65, 0.85, 0.95, 1.1]
Tita = 1-T/Tc
suma = 1
for n, t in zip(Ni, ti):
suma += n*Tita**t
suma -= 0.892181*log(T/Tc)
rho = suma*rhoc
return rho
def _visco(rho, T, fase=None):
"""Equation for the Viscosity
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
T : float
Temperature, [K]
μ : float
Viscosity, [Pa·s]
Lemmon, E.W., Jacobsen, R.T. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity
Equations for Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and Air. Int. J. Thermophys. 25
(1) (2004) 21-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:IJOT.0000022327.04529.f3
ek = 103.3
sigma = 0.36
M = 28.9586
rhoc = 10.4477*M
tau = 132.6312/T
delta = rho/rhoc
b = [0.431, -0.4623, 0.08406, 0.005341, -0.00331]
T_ = log(T/ek)
suma = 0
for i, bi in enumerate(b):
suma += bi*T_**i
omega = exp(suma)
# Eq 2
muo = 0.0266958*(M*T)**0.5/(sigma**2*omega)
n_poly = [10.72, 1.122, 0.002019, -8.876, -0.02916]
t_poly = [.2, .05, 2.4, .6, 3.6]
d_poly = [1, 4, 9, 1, 8]
l_poly = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
g_poly = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
# Eq 3
mur = 0
for n, t, d, l, g in zip(n_poly, t_poly, d_poly, l_poly, g_poly):
mur += n*tau**t*delta**d*exp(-g*delta**l)
# Eq 1
mu = muo+mur
return mu*1e-6
def _thermo(self, rho, T, fase=None):
"""Equation for the thermal conductivity
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
T : float
Temperature, [K]
fase: dict
phase properties
k : float
Thermal conductivity, [W/mK]
Lemmon, E.W., Jacobsen, R.T. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity
Equations for Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and Air. Int. J. Thermophys. 25
(1) (2004) 21-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:IJOT.0000022327.04529.f3
ek = 103.3
sigma = 0.36
M = 28.9586
rhoc = 10.4477*M
tau = 132.6312/T
delta = rho/rhoc
b = [0.431, -0.4623, 0.08406, 0.005341, -0.00331]
T_ = log(T/ek)
suma = 0
for i, bi in enumerate(b):
suma += bi*T_**i
omega = exp(suma)
# Eq 2
muo = 0.0266958*(M*T)**0.5/(sigma**2*omega)
# Eq 5
N = [1.308, 1.405, -1.036]
t = [-1.1, -0.3]
lo = N[0]*muo+N[1]*tau**t[0]+N[2]*tau**t[1]
n_poly = [8.743, 14.76, -16.62, 3.793, -6.142, -0.3778]
t_poly = [0.1, 0, 0.5, 2.7, 0.3, 1.3]
d_poly = [1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 11]
g_poly = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
l_poly = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2]
# Eq 6
lr = 0
for n, t, d, l, g in zip(n_poly, t_poly, d_poly, l_poly, g_poly):
lr += n*tau**t*delta**d*exp(-g*delta**l)
lc = 0
# FIXME: Tiny desviation in the test in paper, 0.06% at critical point
if fase:
qd = 0.31
Gamma = 0.055
Xio = 0.11
Tref = 265.262
k = 1.380658e-23 # J/K
# Eq 11
X = self.Pc*rho/rhoc**2*fase.drhodP_T
ref = Air()
st = ref._Helmholtz(rho, Tref)
drho = 1e3/self.R/Tref/(1+2*delta*st["fird"]+delta**2*st["firdd"])
Xref = self.Pc*rho/rhoc**2*drho
# Eq 10
bracket = X-Xref*Tref/T
if bracket > 0:
Xi = Xio*(bracket/Gamma)**(0.63/1.2415)
Xq = Xi/qd
# Eq 8
Omega = 2/pi*((fase.cp-fase.cv)/fase.cp*atan(Xq)
+ fase.cv/fase.cp*(Xq))
# Eq 9
Omega0 = 2/pi*(1-exp(-1/(1/Xq+Xq**2/3*rhoc**2/rho**2)))
# Eq 7
lc = rho*fase.cp*k*1.01*T/6/pi/Xi/fase.mu*(Omega-Omega0)*1e15
lc = 0
# Eq 4
k = lo+lr+lc
return k*1e-3
class HumidAir(object):
Humid air class with complete functionality
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [MPa]
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
v : float
Specific volume, [m³/kg]
A : float
Mass fraction of dry air in humid air, [kg/kg]
xa : float
Mole fraction of dry air in humid air, [-]
W : float
Mass fraction of water in humid air, [kg/kg]
xw : float
Mole fraction of water in humid air, [-]
HR : float
Humidity ratio, Mass fraction of water in dry air, [kg/kg]
* It needs two incoming properties of T, P, rho.
* v as a alternate input parameter to rho
* For composition need one of A, xa, W, xw, HR.
The calculated instance has the following properties:
* P: Pressure, [MPa]
* T: Temperature, [K]
* g: Specific Gibbs free energy, [kJ/kg]
* a: Specific Helmholtz free energy, [kJ/kg]
* v: Specific volume, [m³/kg]
* rho: Density, [kg/m³]
* h: Specific enthalpy, [kJ/kg]
* u: Specific internal energy, [kJ/kg]
* s: Specific entropy, [kJ/kg·K]
* cp: Specific isobaric heat capacity, [kJ/kg·K]
* w: Speed of sound, [m/s]
* alfav: Isobaric cubic expansion coefficient, [1/K]
* betas: Isoentropic temperature-pressure coefficient, [-]
* xkappa: Isothermal Expansion Coefficient, [-]
* ks: Adiabatic Compressibility, [1/MPa]
* A: Mass fraction of dry air in humid air, [kg/kg]
* W: Mass fraction of water in humid air, [kg/kg]
* xa: Mole fraction of dry air, [-]
* xw: Mole fraction of water, [-]
* Pv: Partial pressure of water, [MPa]
* xa_sat: Mole fraction of dry air at saturation state, [-]
* mu: Relative chemical potential, [kJ/kg]
* muw: Chemical potential of water, [kJ/kg]
* M: Molar mass of humid air, [g/mol]
* HR: Humidity ratio, Mass fraction of water in dry air, [kg/kg]
* RH: Relative humidity, [-]
kwargs = {"T": 0.0,
"P": 0.0,
"rho": 0.0,
"v": 0.0,
"A": None,
"xa": None,
"W": None,
"xw": None,
"HR": None}
status = 0
msg = "Undefined"
_mode = None
_composition = None
T = None
rho = None
v = None
P = None
s = None
cp = None
h = None
g = None
u = None
alfav = None
betas = None
xkappa = None
ks= None
w = None
A = None
W = None
mu = None
muw = None
M = None
HR = None
xa = None
xw = None
Pv = None
xa_sat = None
RH = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Constructor, define common constant and initinialice kwargs"""
self.kwargs = HumidAir.kwargs.copy()
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
"""Make instance callable to can add input parameter one to one"""
# Check alernate input parameters
if kwargs.get("v", None) is not None:
kwargs["rho"] = 1./kwargs["v"]
del kwargs["v"]
if kwargs.get("W", None) is not None:
kwargs["A"] = 1-kwargs["W"]
del kwargs["W"]
if kwargs.get("xw", None) is not None:
kwargs["xa"] = 1-kwargs["xw"]
del kwargs["xw"]
if kwargs.get("HR", None) is not None:
kwargs["A"] = 1/(1+kwargs["HR"])
del kwargs["HR"]
if self.calculable:
self.status = 1
self.msg = ""
def calculable(self):
"""Check if inputs are enough to define state"""
self._mode = ""
if self.kwargs["T"] and self.kwargs["P"]:
self._mode = "TP"
elif self.kwargs["T"] and self.kwargs["rho"]:
self._mode = "Trho"
elif self.kwargs["P"] and self.kwargs["rho"]:
self._mode = "Prho"
# Composition definition
self._composition = ""
if self.kwargs["A"] is not None:
self._composition = "A"
elif self.kwargs["xa"] is not None:
self._composition = "xa"
return bool(self._mode) and bool(self._composition)
def calculo(self):
"""Calculate procedure"""
T = self.kwargs["T"]
rho = self.kwargs["rho"]
P = self.kwargs["P"]
# Composition alternate definition
if self._composition == "A":
A = self.kwargs["A"]
elif self._composition == "xa":
xa = self.kwargs["xa"]
A = xa/(1-(1-xa)*(1-MW/Ma))
# Thermodynamic definition
if self._mode == "TP":
def f(rho):
fav = self._fav(T, rho, A)
return rho**2*fav["fird"]/1000-P
rho = fsolve(f, 1)[0]
elif self._mode == "Prho":
def f(T):
fav = self._fav(T, rho, A)
return rho**2*fav["fird"]/1000-P
T = fsolve(f, 300)[0]
# General calculation procedure
fav = self._fav(T, rho, A)
# Common thermodynamic properties
prop = self._prop(T, rho, fav)
self.T = T
self.rho = rho
self.v = 1/rho
self.P = prop["P"]
self.s = prop["s"]
self.cp = prop["cp"]
self.h = prop["h"]
self.g = prop["g"]
self.u = self.h-self.P*1000*self.v
self.alfav = prop["alfav"]
self.betas = prop["betas"]
self.xkappa = prop["xkappa"]
self.ks = prop["ks"]
self.w = prop["w"]
# Coligative properties
coligative = self._coligative(rho, A, fav)
self.A = A
self.W = 1-A
self.mu = coligative["mu"]
self.muw = coligative["muw"]
self.M = coligative["M"]
self.HR = coligative["HR"]
self.xa = coligative["xa"]
self.xw = coligative["xw"]
self.Pv = (1-self.xa)*self.P
# Saturation related properties
A_sat = self._eq(self.T, self.P)
if A_sat:
self.xa_sat = A_sat*MW/Ma/(1-A_sat*(1-MW/Ma))
self.RH = (1-self.xa)/(1-self.xa_sat)
self.xa_sat = None
self.RH = None
self.msg = "Saturation state don't converge"
self.status = 3
def derivative(self, z, x, y):
Wrapper derivative for custom derived properties
where x, y, z can be: P, T, v, rho, u, h, s, g, a
return deriv_G(self, z, x, y, self)
def _eq(self, T, P):
"""Procedure for calculate the composition in saturation state
T : float
Temperature [K]
P : float
Pressure [MPa]
Asat : float
Saturation mass fraction of dry air in humid air [kg/kg]
# ao initial value of air mass fraction for iteration
if T <= 273.16:
ice = _Ice(T, P)
gw = ice["g"]
ao = 0.99999
elif T <= 373.16:
water = IAPWS95(T=T, P=P)
gw = water.g
ao = 0.99
raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound")
def f(parr):
rho, a = parr
if a > 1:
a = 1
fa = self._fav(T, rho, a)
muw = fa["fir"]+rho*fa["fird"]-a*fa["fira"]
return gw-muw, rho**2*fa["fird"]/1000-P
air = Air(T=T, P=P)
rinput = fsolve(f, [air.rho, ao], full_output=True)
Asat = rinput[0][1]
if rinput[2] == 1 and 0 <= Asat <= 1:
return Asat
warnings.warn("Convergence failed")
def _prop(T, rho, fav):
"""Thermodynamic properties of humid air
T : float
Temperature, [K]
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
fav : dict
dictionary with helmholtz energy and derivatives
prop : dict
Dictionary with thermodynamic properties of humid air:
* P: Pressure, [MPa]
* s: Specific entropy, [kJ/kgK]
* cp: Specific isobaric heat capacity, [kJ/kgK]
* h: Specific enthalpy, [kJ/kg]
* g: Specific gibbs energy, [kJ/kg]
* alfav: Thermal expansion coefficient, [1/K]
* betas: Isentropic T-P coefficient, [K/MPa]
* xkappa: Isothermal compressibility, [1/MPa]
* ks: Isentropic compressibility, [1/MPa]
* w: Speed of sound, [m/s]
IAPWS, Guideline on an Equation of State for Humid Air in Contact with
Seawater and Ice, Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the
Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater, Table 5,
prop = {}
prop["P"] = rho**2*fav["fird"]/1000 # Eq T1
prop["s"] = -fav["firt"] # Eq T2
prop["cp"] = -T*fav["firtt"]+T*rho*fav["firdt"]**2/( # Eq T3
prop["h"] = fav["fir"]-T*fav["firt"]+rho*fav["fird"] # Eq T4
prop["g"] = fav["fir"]+rho*fav["fird"] # Eq T5
prop["alfav"] = fav["firdt"]/(2*fav["fird"]+rho*fav["firdd"]) # Eq T6
prop["betas"] = 1000*fav["firdt"]/rho/( # Eq T7
prop["xkappa"] = 1e3/(rho**2*(2*fav["fird"]+rho*fav["firdd"])) # Eq T8
prop["ks"] = 1000*fav["firtt"]/rho**2/( # Eq T9
prop["w"] = (rho**2*1000*(fav["firtt"]*fav["firdd"]-fav["firdt"]**2)
/ fav["firtt"]+2*rho*fav["fird"]*1000)**0.5 # Eq T10
return prop
def _coligative(rho, A, fav):
"""Miscelaneous properties of humid air
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
A : float
Mass fraction of dry air in humid air, [kg/kg]
fav : dict
dictionary with helmholtz energy and derivatives
prop : dict
Dictionary with calculated properties:
* mu: Relative chemical potential, [kJ/kg]
* muw: Chemical potential of water, [kJ/kg]
* M: Molar mass of humid air, [g/mol]
* HR: Humidity ratio, [-]
* xa: Mole fraction of dry air, [-]
* xw: Mole fraction of water, [-]
IAPWS, Guideline on an Equation of State for Humid Air in Contact with
Seawater and Ice, Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the
Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater, Table 12,
prop = {}
prop["mu"] = fav["fira"]
prop["muw"] = fav["fir"]+rho*fav["fird"]-A*fav["fira"]
prop["M"] = 1/((1-A)/MW+A/Ma)
prop["HR"] = 1/A-1
prop["xa"] = A*MW/Ma/(1-A*(1-MW/Ma))
prop["xw"] = 1-prop["xa"]
return prop
def _fav(self, T, rho, A):
r"""Specific Helmholtz energy of humid air and derivatives
T : float
Temperature, [K]
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
A : float
Mass fraction of dry air in humid air, [kg/kg]
prop : dict
Dictionary with helmholtz energy and derivatives:
* fir, [kJ/kg]
* fira: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{av}}{\partial A}\right|_{T,\rho}`, [kJ/kg]
* firt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{av}}{\partial T}\right|_{A,\rho}`, [kJ/kgK]
* fird: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{av}}{\partial \rho}\right|_{A,T}`, [kJ/m³kg²]
* firaa: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial A^2}\right|_{T, \rho}`, [kJ/kg]
* firat: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial A \partial T}\right|_{\rho}`, [kJ/kgK]
* firad: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial A \partial \rho}\right|_T`, [kJ/m³kg²]
* firtt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial T^2}\right|_{A, \rho}`, [kJ/kgK²]
* firdt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial \rho \partial T}\right|_A`, [kJ/m³kg²K]
* firdd: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{av}}{\partial \rho^2}\right|_{A, T}`, [kJ/m⁶kg³]
IAPWS, Guideline on an Equation of State for Humid Air in Contact with
Seawater and Ice, Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the
Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater, Table 6,
""" # noqa
water = IAPWS95()
rhov = (1-A)*rho
fv = water._derivDimensional(rhov, T)
air = Air()
rhoa = A*rho
fa = air._derivDimensional(rhoa, T)
fmix = self._fmix(T, rho, A)
prop = {}
# Eq T11
prop["fir"] = (1-A)*fv["fir"] + A*fa["fir"] + fmix["fir"]
# Eq T12
prop["fira"] = -fv["fir"]-rhov*fv["fird"]+fa["fir"] + \
# Eq T13
prop["firt"] = (1-A)*fv["firt"]+A*fa["firt"]+fmix["firt"]
# Eq T14
prop["fird"] = (1-A)**2*fv["fird"]+A**2*fa["fird"]+fmix["fird"]
# Eq T15
prop["firaa"] = rho*(2*fv["fird"]+rhov*fv["firdd"]
+ 2*fa["fird"]+rhoa*fa["firdd"])+fmix["firaa"]
# Eq T16
prop["firat"] = -fv["firt"]-rhov*fv["firdt"]+fa["firt"] + \
# Eq T17
prop["firad"] = -(1-A)*(2*fv["fird"]+rhov*fv["firdd"]) + \
# Eq T18
prop["firtt"] = (1-A)*fv["firtt"]+A*fa["firtt"]+fmix["firtt"]
# Eq T19
prop["firdt"] = (1-A)**2*fv["firdt"]+A**2*fa["firdt"]+fmix["firdt"]
# Eq T20
prop["firdd"] = (1-A)**3*fv["firdd"]+A**3*fa["firdd"]+fmix["firdd"]
return prop
def _fmix(T, rho, A):
r"""Specific Helmholtz energy of air-water interaction
T : float
Temperature, [K]
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
A : float
Mass fraction of dry air in humid air, [kg/kg]
prop : dict
Dictionary with helmholtz energy and derivatives:
* fir, [kJ/kg]
* fira: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{mix}}{\partial A}\right|_{T,\rho}`, [kJ/kg]
* firt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{mix}}{\partial T}\right|_{A,\rho}`, [kJ/kgK]
* fird: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial f_{mix}}{\partial \rho}\right|_{A,T}`, [kJ/m³kg²]
* firaa: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial A^2}\right|_{T, \rho}`, [kJ/kg]
* firat: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial A \partial T}\right|_{\rho}`, [kJ/kgK]
* firad: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial A \partial \rho}\right|_T`, [kJ/m³kg²]
* firtt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial T^2}\right|_{A, \rho}`, [kJ/kgK²]
* firdt: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial \rho \partial T}\right|_A`, [kJ/m³kg²K]
* firdd: :math:`\left.\frac{\partial^2 f_{mix}}{\partial \rho^2}\right|_{A, T}`, [kJ/m⁶kg³]
IAPWS, Guideline on an Equation of State for Humid Air in Contact with
Seawater and Ice, Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the
Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater, Table 10,
ma = Air.M/1000
Mw = IAPWS95.M/1000
vir = _virial(T)
Baw = vir["Baw"]
Bawt = vir["Bawt"]
Bawtt = vir["Bawtt"]
Caaw = vir["Caaw"]
Caawt = vir["Caawt"]
Caawtt = vir["Caawtt"]
Caww = vir["Caww"]
Cawwt = vir["Cawwt"]
Cawwtt = vir["Cawwtt"]
# Eq T45
f = 2*A*(1-A)*rho*R*T/ma/Mw*(Baw+3*rho/4*(A/ma*Caaw+(1-A)/Mw*Caww))
# Eq T46
fa = 2*rho*R*T/ma/Mw*((1-2*A)*Baw+3*rho/4*(
# Eq T47
ft = 2*A*(1-A)*rho*R/ma/Mw*(
# Eq T48
fd = A*(1-A)*R*T/ma/Mw*(2*Baw+3*rho*(A/ma*Caaw+(1-A)/Mw*Caww))
# Eq T49
faa = rho*R*T/ma/Mw*(-4*Baw+3*rho*((1-3*A)/ma*Caaw-(2-3*A)/Mw*Caww))
# Eq T50
fat = 2*rho*R/ma/Mw*(1-2*A)*(Baw+T*Bawt)+3*rho**2*R/2/ma/Mw*(
# Eq T51
fad = 2*R*T/ma/Mw*((1-2*A)*Baw+3/2*rho*(
# Eq T52
ftt = 2*A*(1-A)*rho*R/ma/Mw*(2*Bawt+T*Bawtt+3*rho/4*(
# Eq T53
ftd = 2*A*(1-A)*R/ma/Mw*(Baw+T*Bawt+3*rho/2*(
# Eq T54
fdd = 3*A*(1-A)*R*T/ma/Mw*(A/ma*Caaw+(1-A)/Mw*Caww)
prop = {}
prop["fir"] = f/1000
prop["fira"] = fa/1000
prop["firt"] = ft/1000
prop["fird"] = fd/1000
prop["firaa"] = faa/1000
prop["firat"] = fat/1000
prop["firad"] = fad/1000
prop["firtt"] = ftt/1000
prop["firdt"] = ftd/1000
prop["firdd"] = fdd/1000
return prop