Source code for iapws.ammonia

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Module with Ammonia-water mixture properties and related properties. The module

    * :class:`NH3`: Multiparameter equation of state for ammonia
    * :class:`H2ONH3`:  Thermodynamic properties of ammonia-water mixtures
    * :class:`Ttr`: Triple point of ammonia-water mixtures

from __future__ import division
from math import exp, log, pi
import warnings

from scipy.constants import Boltzmann
from .iapws95 import MEoS, IAPWS95, mainClassDoc

[docs] @mainClassDoc() class NH3(MEoS): """Multiparameter equation of state for ammonia for internal procedures, see MEoS base class References ---------- Baehr, H.D., Tillner-Roth, R.; Thermodynamic Properties of Environmentally Acceptable Refrigerants: Equations of State and Tables for Ammonia, R22, R134a, R152a, and R123. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. """ name = "ammonia" CASNumber = "7664-41-7" formula = "NH3" synonym = "R-717" rhoc = 225. Tc = 405.40 Pc = 11.333 # MPa M = 17.03026 # g/mol Tt = 195.495 Tb = 239.823 f_acent = 0.25601 momentoDipolar = 1.470 Fi0 = {"ao_log": [1, -1], "pow": [0, 1, 1./3, -1.5, -1.75], "ao_pow": [-15.81502, 4.255726, 11.47434, -1.296211, 0.5706757], "ao_exp": [], "titao": [], "ao_hyp": [], "hyp": []} _constants = { "R": 8.314471, "nr1": [-0.1858814e01, 0.4554431e-1, 0.7238548, 0.1229470e-1, 0.2141882e-10], "d1": [1, 2, 1, 4, 15], "t1": [1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1., 3.], "nr2": [-0.1430020e-1, 0.3441324, -0.2873571, 0.2352589e-4, -0.3497111e-1, 0.1831117e-2, 0.2397852e-1, -0.4085375e-1, 0.2379275, -0.3548972e-1, -0.1823729, 0.2281556e-1, -0.6663444e-2, -0.8847486e-2, 0.2272635e-2, -0.5588655e-3], "d2": [3, 3, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4], "t2": [0, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 5, 7.5, 15, 30], "c2": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3], "gamma2": [1]*16} _melting = {"eq": 1, "Tref": Tt, "Pref": 1000, "Tmin": Tt, "Tmax": 700.0, "a1": [], "exp1": [], "a2": [], "exp2": [], "a3": [0.2533125e4], "exp3": [1]} _surf = {"sigma": [0.1028, -0.09453], "exp": [1.211, 5.585]} _Pv = { "eq": 5, "ao": [-0.70993e1, -0.24330e1, 0.87591e1, -0.64091e1, -0.21185e1], "exp": [1., 1.5, 1.7, 1.95, 4.2]} _rhoL = { "eq": 1, "ao": [0.34488e2, -0.12849e3, 0.17382e3, -0.10699e3, 0.30339e2], "exp": [0.58, 0.75, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3]} _rhoG = { "eq": 3, "ao": [-.38435, -4.0846, -6.6634, -0.31881e2, 0.21306e3, -0.24648e3], "exp": [0.218, 0.55, 1.5, 3.7, 5.5, 5.8]}
[docs] def _visco(self, rho, T, fase=None): """Equation for the Viscosity Parameters ---------- rho : float Density [kg/m³] T : float Temperature [K] Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity [Pa·s] References ---------- Fenghour, A., Wakeham, W.A., Vesovic, V., Watson, J.T.R., Millat, J., and Vogel, E., The viscosity of ammonia, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 24, 1649 (1995). doi:10.1063/1.555961 """ ek = 386 sigma = 0.2957 rho = rho/self.M T_ = T/ek # Eq 4 a = [4.99318220, -0.61122364, 0.0, 0.18535124, -0.11160946] omega = exp(sum(ai*log(T_)**i for i, ai in enumerate(a))) # Eq 2, Zero-Density Limit muo = 2.1357*(T*self.M)**0.5/sigma**2/omega # Eq 8, Viscosity virial coefficient cv = [-0.17999496e1, 0.46692621e2, -0.53460794e3, 0.33604074e4, -0.13019164e5, 0.33414230e5, -0.58711743e5, 0.71426686e5, -0.59834012e5, 0.33652741e5, -0.1202735e5, 0.24348205e4, -0.20807957e3] Bn = 0.6022137*sigma**3*sum(c*T_**(-i/2) for i, c in enumerate(cv)) # Eq 7 mub = Bn*muo*rho # Eq 10 dij = [2.19664285e-1, -0.83651107e-1, 0.17366936e-2, -0.64250359e-2, 1.67668649e-4, -1.49710093e-4, 0.77012274e-4] ji = [2, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ii = [2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4] mur = sum(d/T_**j*rho**i for d, j, i in zip(dij, ji, ii)) # Eq 1 mu = muo + mub + mur return mu*1e-6
[docs] def _thermo(self, rho, T, fase): """Equation for the thermal conductivity Parameters ---------- rho : float Density, [kg/m³] T : float Temperature, [K] fase: dict phase properties Returns ------- k : float Thermal conductivity [W/mK] References ---------- Tufeu, R., Ivanov, D.Y., Garrabos, Y., and Le Neindre, B., Thermal conductivity of ammonia in a large temperature and pressure range including the critical region, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 88:422-427, 1984. doi:10.1002/bbpc.19840880421 """ # The paper use a diferent rhoc value to the EoS rhoc = 235 if rho == rhoc and T == self.Tc: warnings.warn("Thermal conductiviy undefined in critical point") return None # Eq 6 no = [0.3589e-1, -0.1750e-3, 0.4551e-6, 0.1685e-9, -0.4828e-12] Lo = sum(n*T**i for i, n in enumerate(no)) # Eq 7 nb = [0.16207e-3, 0.12038e-5, -0.23139e-8, 0.32749e-11] L_ = sum(n*rho**(i+1) for i, n in enumerate(nb)) # Critical enchancement t = abs(T-405.4)/405.4 dPT = 1e5*(2.18-0.12/exp(17.8*t)) nb = 1e-5*(2.6+1.6*t) DL = 1.2*Boltzmann*T**2/6/pi/nb/(1.34e-10/t**0.63*(1+t**0.5)) * \ dPT**2 * 0.423e-8/t**1.24*(1+t**0.5/0.7) # Add correction for entire range of temperature, Eq 10 DL *= exp(-36*t**2) X = 0.61*rhoc+16.5*log(t) if rho > 0.6*rhoc: # Eq 11 DL *= X**2/(X**2+(rho-0.96*rhoc)**2) else: # Eq 14 DL = X**2/(X**2+(0.6*rhoc-0.96*rhoc)**2) DL *= rho**2/(0.6*rhoc)**2 # Eq 5 k = Lo+L_+DL return k
[docs] class H2ONH3(object): """Ammonia-water mixtures.""" # TODO: Add equilibrium routine
[docs] def _prop(self, rho, T, x): """Thermodynamic properties of ammonia-water mixtures Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature [K] rho : float Density [kg/m³] x : float Mole fraction of ammonia in mixture [mol/mol] Returns ------- prop : dict Dictionary with thermodynamic properties of ammonia-water mixtures: * M: Mixture molecular mass, [g/mol] * P: Pressure, [MPa] * u: Specific internal energy, [kJ/kg] * s: Specific entropy, [kJ/kgK] * h: Specific enthalpy, [kJ/kg] * a: Specific Helmholtz energy, [kJ/kg] * g: Specific gibbs energy, [kJ/kg] * cv: Specific isochoric heat capacity, [kJ/kgK] * cp: Specific isobaric heat capacity, [kJ/kgK] * w: Speed of sound, [m/s] * fugH2O: Fugacity of water, [-] * fugNH3: Fugacity of ammonia, [-] References ---------- IAPWS, Guideline on the IAPWS Formulation 2001 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures,, Table 4 """ # FIXME: The values are good, bad difer by 1%, a error I can´t find # In Pressure happen and only use fird M = (1-x)*IAPWS95.M + x*NH3.M R = 8.314471/M phio = self._phi0(rho, T, x) fio = phio["fio"] tau0 = phio["tau"] fiot = phio["fiot"] fiott = phio["fiott"] phir = self._phir(rho, T, x) fir = phir["fir"] tau = phir["tau"] delta = phir["delta"] firt = phir["firt"] firtt = phir["firtt"] fird = phir["fird"] firdd = phir["firdd"] firdt = phir["firdt"] F = phir["F"] prop = {} Z = 1 + delta*fird prop["M"] = M prop["P"] = Z*R*T*rho/1000 prop["u"] = R*T*(tau0*fiot + tau*firt) prop["s"] = R*(tau0*fiot + tau*firt - fio - fir) prop["h"] = R*T*(1+delta*fird+tau0*fiot+tau*firt) prop["g"] = prop["h"]-T*prop["s"] prop["a"] = prop["u"]-T*prop["s"] cvR = -tau0**2*fiott - tau**2*firtt prop["cv"] = R*cvR prop["cp"] = R*(cvR+(1+delta*fird-delta*tau*firdt)**2 / (1+2*delta*fird+delta**2*firdd)) prop["w"] = (R*T*1000*(1+2*delta*fird+delta**2*firdd + (1+delta*fird-delta*tau*firdt)**2 / cvR))**0.5 prop["fugH2O"] = Z*exp(fir+delta*fird-x*F) prop["fugNH3"] = Z*exp(fir+delta*fird+(1-x)*F) return prop
[docs] @staticmethod def _phi0(rho, T, x): """Ideal gas Helmholtz energy of binary mixtures and derivatives Parameters ---------- rho : float Density, [kg/m³] T : float Temperature, [K] x : float Mole fraction of ammonia in mixture, [mol/mol] Returns ------- prop : dict Dictionary with ideal adimensional helmholtz energy and derivatives: * tau: the adimensional temperature variable, [-] * delta: the adimensional density variable, [-] * fio,[-] * fiot: [∂fio/∂τ]δ [-] * fiod: [∂fio/∂δ]τ [-] * fiott: [∂²fio/∂τ²]δ [-] * fiodt: [∂²fio/∂τ∂δ] [-] * fiodd: [∂²fio/∂δ²]τ [-] References ---------- IAPWS, Guideline on the IAPWS Formulation 2001 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures,, Eq 2 """ # Define reducing parameters for mixture model M = (1-x)*IAPWS95.M + x*NH3.M tau = 500/T delta = rho/15/M # Table 2 Fi0 = { "log_water": 3.006320, "ao_water": [-7.720435, 8.649358], "pow_water": [0, 1], "ao_exp": [0.012436, 0.97315, 1.279500, 0.969560, 0.248730], "titao": [1.666, 4.578, 10.018, 11.964, 35.600], "log_nh3": -1.0, "ao_nh3": [-16.444285, 4.036946, 10.69955, -1.775436, 0.82374034], "pow_nh3": [0, 1, 1/3, -3/2, -7/4]} fiod = 1/delta fiodd = -1/delta**2 fiodt = 0 fiow = fiotw = fiottw = 0 fioa = fiota = fiotta = 0 # Water section if x < 1: fiow = Fi0["log_water"]*log(tau) + log(1-x) fiotw = Fi0["log_water"]/tau fiottw = -Fi0["log_water"]/tau**2 for n, t in zip(Fi0["ao_water"], Fi0["pow_water"]): fiow += n*tau**t if t != 0: fiotw += t*n*tau**(t-1) if t not in [0, 1]: fiottw += n*t*(t-1)*tau**(t-2) for n, t in zip(Fi0["ao_exp"], Fi0["titao"]): fiow += n*log(1-exp(-tau*t)) fiotw += n*t*((1-exp(-t*tau))**-1-1) fiottw -= n*t**2*exp(-t*tau)*(1-exp(-t*tau))**-2 # ammonia section if x > 0: fioa = Fi0["log_nh3"]*log(tau) + log(x) fiota = Fi0["log_nh3"]/tau fiotta = -Fi0["log_nh3"]/tau**2 for n, t in zip(Fi0["ao_nh3"], Fi0["pow_nh3"]): fioa += n*tau**t if t != 0: fiota += t*n*tau**(t-1) if t not in [0, 1]: fiotta += n*t*(t-1)*tau**(t-2) prop = {} prop["tau"] = tau prop["delta"] = delta prop["fio"] = log(delta) + (1-x)*fiow + x*fioa prop["fiot"] = (1-x)*fiotw + x*fiota prop["fiott"] = (1-x)*fiottw + x*fiotta prop["fiod"] = fiod prop["fiodd"] = fiodd prop["fiodt"] = fiodt return prop
[docs] def _phir(self, rho, T, x): """Residual contribution to the free Helmholtz energy Parameters ---------- rho : float Density, [kg/m³] T : float Temperature, [K] x : float Mole fraction of ammonia in mixture, [mol/mol] Returns ------- prop : dict dictionary with residual adimensional helmholtz energy and derivatives: * tau: the adimensional temperature variable, [-] * delta: the adimensional density variable, [-] * fir, [-] * firt: [∂fir/∂τ]δ,x [-] * fird: [∂fir/∂δ]τ,x [-] * firtt: [∂²fir/∂τ²]δ,x [-] * firdt: [∂²fir/∂τ∂δ]x [-] * firdd: [∂²fir/∂δ²]τ,x [-] * firx: [∂fir/∂x]τ,δ [-] * F: Function for fugacity calculation, [-] References ---------- IAPWS, Guideline on the IAPWS Formulation 2001 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures,, Eq 3 """ # Temperature reducing value, Eq 4 Tc12 = 0.9648407/2*(IAPWS95.Tc+NH3.Tc) Tn = (1-x)**2*IAPWS95.Tc + x**2*NH3.Tc + 2*x*(1-x**1.125455)*Tc12 # sympy.diff("(1-x)^2*Tc1 + x^2*Tc2 + 2*x*(1-x^a)*Tc12", "x") # Out[]: Tc1*(2*x - 2) - 2*Tc12*a*x**a + 2*Tc12*(1 - x**a) + 2*Tc2*x dTnx = -2*IAPWS95.Tc*(1-x) + 2*x*NH3.Tc + 2*Tc12*(1-x**1.125455) - \ 2*Tc12*1.12455*x**1.12455 # Density reducing value, Eq 5 b = 0.8978069 rhoc1m = IAPWS95.rhoc/(IAPWS95.M/1000) rhoc2m = NH3.rhoc/(NH3.M/1000) M = (1-x)*IAPWS95.M + x*NH3.M rhoc12 = 1/(1.2395117/2*(1/rhoc1m + 1/rhoc2m)) rhonm = 1/((1-x)**2/rhoc1m + x**2/rhoc2m + 2*x*(1-x**b)/rhoc12) rhon = rhonm*M/1000 # sympy.diff("1/((1-x)^2/rhoc1 + x^2/rhoc2 + 2*x*(1-x^b)/rhoc12)", "x") # Out[]: (2*b*x**b/rhoc12 - 2*x/rhoc2 - 2*(1 - x**b)/rhoc12 - # (2*x - 2)/rhoc1)/(x**2/rhoc2 + 2*x*(1 - x**b)/rhoc12 + # (1 - x)**2/rhoc1)**2 drhonx = M/1000*(2*b*x**b/rhoc12 - 2*(1-x**b)/rhoc12 - 2*x/rhoc2m + 2*(1-x)/rhoc1m)/( 2*x*(1-x**b)/rhoc12 + x**2/rhoc2m + (1-x)**2/rhoc1m)**2 tau = Tn/T delta = rho/rhon water = IAPWS95() phi1 = water._phir(tau, delta) ammonia = NH3() phi2 = ammonia._phir(tau, delta) Dphi = self._Dphir(tau, delta, x) prop = {} prop["tau"] = tau prop["delta"] = delta prop["fir"] = (1-x)*phi1["fir"] + x*phi2["fir"] + Dphi["fir"] prop["firt"] = (1-x)*phi1["firt"] + x*phi2["firt"] + Dphi["firt"] prop["firtt"] = (1-x)*phi1["firtt"] + x*phi2["firtt"] + Dphi["firtt"] prop["fird"] = (1-x)*phi1["fird"] + x*phi2["fird"] + Dphi["fird"] prop["firdd"] = (1-x)*phi1["firdd"] + x*phi2["firdd"] + Dphi["firdd"] prop["firdt"] = (1-x)*phi1["firdt"] + x*phi2["firdt"] + Dphi["firdt"] prop["firx"] = -phi1["fir"] + phi2["fir"] + Dphi["firx"] prop["F"] = prop["firx"] - delta/rhon*drhonx*prop["fird"] + \ tau/Tn*dTnx*prop["firt"] return prop
[docs] @staticmethod def _Dphir(tau, delta, x): """Departure function to the residual contribution to the free Helmholtz energy Parameters ---------- tau : float Adimensional temperature, [-] delta : float Adimensional density, [-] x : float Mole fraction of ammonia in mixture, [mol/mol] Returns ------- prop : dict Dictionary with departure contribution to the residual adimensional helmholtz energy and derivatives: * fir [-] * firt: [∂Δfir/∂τ]δ,x [-] * fird: [∂Δfir/∂δ]τ,x [-] * firtt: [∂²Δfir/∂τ²]δ,x [-] * firdt: [∂²Δfir/∂τ∂δ]x [-] * firdd: [∂²Δfir/∂δ²]τ,x [-] * firx: [∂Δfir/∂x]τ,δ [-] References ---------- IAPWS, Guideline on the IAPWS Formulation 2001 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures,, Eq 8 """ fx = x*(1-x**0.5248379) dfx = 1-1.5248379*x**0.5248379 # Polinomial terms n = -1.855822e-2 t = 1.5 d = 4 fir = n*delta**d*tau**t fird = n*d*delta**(d-1)*tau**t firdd = n*d*(d-1)*delta**(d-2)*tau**t firt = n*t*delta**d*tau**(t-1) firtt = n*t*(t-1)*delta**d*tau**(t-2) firdt = n*t*d*delta**(d-1)*tau**(t-1) firx = dfx*n*delta**d*tau**t # Exponential terms nr2 = [5.258010e-2, 3.552874e-10, 5.451379e-6, -5.998546e-13, -3.687808e-6] t2 = [0.5, 6.5, 1.75, 15, 6] d2 = [5, 15, 12, 12, 15] c2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2] for n, d, t, c in zip(nr2, d2, t2, c2): fir += n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) fird += n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-1)*tau**t*(d-c*delta**c) firdd += n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-2)*tau**t * \ ((d-c*delta**c)*(d-1-c*delta**c)-c**2*delta**c) firt += n*t*delta**d*tau**(t-1)*exp(-delta**c) firtt += n*t*(t-1)*delta**d*tau**(t-2)*exp(-delta**c) firdt += n*t*delta**(d-1)*tau**(t-1)*(d-c*delta**c)*exp( -delta**c) firx += dfx*n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) # Exponential terms with composition nr3 = [0.2586192, -1.368072e-8, 1.226146e-2, -7.181443e-2, 9.970849e-2, 1.0584086e-3, -0.1963687] t3 = [-1, 4, 3.5, 0, -1, 8, 7.5] d3 = [4, 15, 4, 5, 6, 10, 6] c3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] for n, d, t, c in zip(nr3, d3, t3, c3): fir += x*n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) fird += x*n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-1)*tau**t*(d-c*delta**c) firdd += x*n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-2)*tau**t * \ ((d-c*delta**c)*(d-1-c*delta**c)-c**2*delta**c) firt += x*n*t*delta**d*tau**(t-1)*exp(-delta**c) firtt += x*n*t*(t-1)*delta**d*tau**(t-2)*exp(-delta**c) firdt += x*n*t*delta**(d-1)*tau**(t-1)*(d-c*delta**c)*exp( -delta**c) firx += x*dfx*n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) n = -0.7777897 t = 4 d = 2 c = 2 fir += x**2*n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) fird += x**2*n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-1)*tau**t*(d-c*delta**c) firdd += x**2*n*exp(-delta**c)*delta**(d-2)*tau**t * \ ((d-c*delta**c)*(d-1-c*delta**c)-c**2*delta**c) firt += x**2*n*t*delta**d*tau**(t-1)*exp(-delta**c) firtt += x**2*n*t*(t-1)*delta**d*tau**(t-2)*exp(-delta**c) firdt += x**2*n*t*delta**(d-1)*tau**(t-1)*(d-c*delta**c)*exp( -delta**c) firx += x**2*dfx*n*delta**d*tau**t*exp(-delta**c) prop = {} prop["fir"] = fir*fx prop["firt"] = firt*fx prop["firtt"] = firtt*fx prop["fird"] = fird*fx prop["firdd"] = firdd*fx prop["firdt"] = firdt*fx prop["firx"] = firx return prop
[docs] def Ttr(x): """Equation for the triple point of ammonia-water mixture Parameters ---------- x : float Mole fraction of ammonia in mixture, [mol/mol] Returns ------- Ttr : float Triple point temperature, [K] Notes ----- Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit: * 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 References ---------- IAPWS, Guideline on the IAPWS Formulation 2001 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures,, Eq 9 """ if 0 <= x <= 0.33367: Tr = 273.16*(1-0.3439823*x-1.3274271*x**2-274.973*x**3) elif 0.33367 < x <= 0.58396: Tr = 193.549*(1-4.987368*(x-0.5)**2) elif 0.58396 < x <= 0.81473: Tr = 194.38*(1-4.886151*(x-2/3)**2+10.37298*(x-2/3)**3) elif 0.81473 < x <= 1: Tr = 195.495*(1-0.323998*(1-x)-15.87560*(1-x)**4) else: raise NotImplementedError("Incoming out of bound") return Tr